Saturday, 10 November 2012


Nothing better than a cup of tea after getting ready.

So, I've been somewhat preoccupied with my current work experience.
But, honestly. I've not done anything of note to blog about.

I've been working at Kurt Geiger's head office for the past two weeks, in the Mens Buying department. And I'm loving it. I have one more week left, and it's fully bumming me out that I have to leave these sort of alter-reality and go back to sitting in a classroom, doing mundane work.
I've had such a good time working there, even if I am the one doing excel sheets all day - I don't know, I just feel like that now I've been out of college, and stepped into the 'real word' of working, I just really do not want to go back to sitting in a classroom with teachers who bore the fuck out of me.
I guess this will just push me harder to get a job as soon as I leave college.

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