Friday, 27 July 2012


So, it's 5.07am and instead of sleeping like the normal people in this household, I'm still awake doing nothing. Nothing at all. Well, that's a lie, I'm currently writing this stupid post, and smoking this cigarette, which is burning my throat a little becase I've smoked too much already today.

I wish I had a normal sleeping pattern, but instead I stay up to stupid hours of the early morning, and watch video's of pretty things on Youtube, and whine inwardly about not having lilac hair, or not having those perfect whatevers that everyone is talking about.

You kind of get a realisation that you should be asleep when the music channels start broadcasting Teleshopping, and you think that would deter me, but no. I seem to have discovered a music channel on Sky that plays all day and night. So I curse you television, I could blame you - but what's the point, I'd still be staying up regardless, but just watching re-runs of South Park and Two and  Half men.

Ugh, and that awful Gotye song has just come on. I want to throw rocks at the screen, but I'd only regret it afterwoods. I hate this song. I really really hate it, I also hate myself for knowing every word and singing along.

Anyway, here's some pretty pictures..I should stop writing before I let my mind run away more than it already has....

 Spin Dizzy Fall
The Lingernots

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