Thursday 9 December 2010


A while ago, I read a comment from an anon, and it spurred me to do something, something that I'd mulled over for quite a while, but I'm glad I did. I decided that because I'm 18 in just over a month, that I needed to put all petty shit behind me, and not remember the worst, and just remember the good things.
It's nice to know that there is no anemosity there anymore.

I'm not usually one of those inspirational people, and to be quite frank, most inspirational bullshit pisses me off, but one piece of advice I will give;

If you are thinking about doing something, 9 times out of 10 you should do it. You may regret it in the long run, but at least at that time, it was the right thing to do, and you'll feel better about it.

I'm far from being 'at peace' with everyone, but I'm on way.

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